quinta-feira, 7 de abril de 2011

Soil pollution due mainly to the use of certain modern agricultural techniques. The need to increase productivity has led to the application of fertilizers and pesticides that are contaminating the soil grown so hopeless, so much so that agricultural production risks would be involved in the long term.Fertilizers are chemicals with which it seeks to enrich the soils of several elements, which are necessary for good crop development. But for reasons of cost, fertilizers are not purified, thus containing many metals in a state of traces. Now these are toxic and, because of their low mobility, tend to be concentrated in upper soil layers, precisely where the bulk of the root system of plants. The desire to increase agricultural productivity of land has led to a more intensive application of various fertilizers, which are fully reflected in increased production of these substances. Thus, the abuse being committed in the agriculturally advanced countries can not undermine the stability of agro-systems in the long term. Excess fertilizer can become a real threat to the future fertility of the soil itself. This stems not only from the continuous accumulation of toxic elements, but also modifying the physical structure of soils, with consequent reduction of organic material.Pesticides are chemicals complex, powerful effects. Are insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, etc ... and their number has increased dramatically. The effects of pesticides are showing up more and more harmful, whoever he is always cause profound disturbances in the ecosystems they enter. Its toxicity extends to all species of plants and animals and even humans. Although it is intended to destroy a limited number of species, pesticides eventually affect, to different degrees, all living beings.

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